Hello everyone,,,
Longtime lurker here. Sadly, for the time being, I’m forced to go without my PC for now. So sometime in June, my Asus ROG G752vl’s battery started acting up. First it would only charge to 22%, then soon only 14%, and then later, the battery appeared to have died completely and the laptop would only run when plugged in. Luckily, I was still within my warranty as the laptop was just under a year old, and I arranged to have it sent off across the country for repairs.
That was on June 22. According to FedEx, it was received by the repair center on June 28. However, Asus claims they received it July 1, about three days later. It’s now July 20. Little did I know, ASUS has some of the worst customer support I have ever seen, and I’ve gone through my fair share of dealing with crappy customer support.
They claimed the repair would take 5-7 business days. During that initial period, they had ZERO contact with me, not even to confirm they had received the laptop. I have been without a computer for 29 days at this point, which is kind of important for school, work, and personal use. I’m losing both productivity and opportunities to utilize my own personal time, as I have been limited to using my cellphone and borrowing others’ computers in the meantime. All the while I have zero access to programs and files on my laptop [There was a backup created, so some essential files can be recovered, but everything else is inaccessible without the laptop.] On July 11 they told me they were waiting on the parts to repair the laptop, but I haven’t been able to squeeze anything else out of them by this point. I’m honestly baffled that, if this is their excuse, they cannot find another battery and charger for what is still a relatively recent laptop.
The one of the most frustrating parts of all this is the fact that the call centers, whose job it is to communicate and facilitate these things, claim to have no way to contact their repair center. I have called every day, and each day they tell me that they are “escalating the case,” yet nothing has actually happened thus far. How many times do they expect me to believe that the “case is being escalated”? It sounds like they’re just telling me lies just to get me to stop calling. Some days they tell me to expect an email update “within 24-48 hours” but have FAILED to send an update within the time frame every single time. For clarification, they haven’t emailed me once thus far. They’re about 400 hours overdue on that first update they promised me.
I’m unbelievably frustrated. Asus has:
What can I do to get my laptop back? Drive across the United States and go to the repair center myself?
Their site says this laptop is “The choice of winners everywhere.” I sure as hell don’t feel like a winner.
Longtime lurker here. Sadly, for the time being, I’m forced to go without my PC for now. So sometime in June, my Asus ROG G752vl’s battery started acting up. First it would only charge to 22%, then soon only 14%, and then later, the battery appeared to have died completely and the laptop would only run when plugged in. Luckily, I was still within my warranty as the laptop was just under a year old, and I arranged to have it sent off across the country for repairs.
That was on June 22. According to FedEx, it was received by the repair center on June 28. However, Asus claims they received it July 1, about three days later. It’s now July 20. Little did I know, ASUS has some of the worst customer support I have ever seen, and I’ve gone through my fair share of dealing with crappy customer support.
They claimed the repair would take 5-7 business days. During that initial period, they had ZERO contact with me, not even to confirm they had received the laptop. I have been without a computer for 29 days at this point, which is kind of important for school, work, and personal use. I’m losing both productivity and opportunities to utilize my own personal time, as I have been limited to using my cellphone and borrowing others’ computers in the meantime. All the while I have zero access to programs and files on my laptop [There was a backup created, so some essential files can be recovered, but everything else is inaccessible without the laptop.] On July 11 they told me they were waiting on the parts to repair the laptop, but I haven’t been able to squeeze anything else out of them by this point. I’m honestly baffled that, if this is their excuse, they cannot find another battery and charger for what is still a relatively recent laptop.
The one of the most frustrating parts of all this is the fact that the call centers, whose job it is to communicate and facilitate these things, claim to have no way to contact their repair center. I have called every day, and each day they tell me that they are “escalating the case,” yet nothing has actually happened thus far. How many times do they expect me to believe that the “case is being escalated”? It sounds like they’re just telling me lies just to get me to stop calling. Some days they tell me to expect an email update “within 24-48 hours” but have FAILED to send an update within the time frame every single time. For clarification, they haven’t emailed me once thus far. They’re about 400 hours overdue on that first update they promised me.
I’m unbelievably frustrated. Asus has:
- Told me apparent BS about “escalating the case.”
- Claimed to not have a way to contact their repair center.
- Kept me in the dark about the status of my laptop for almost the entire duration, with the exception of maybe three calls.
- Forced me to call them DAILY for almost a month in an attempt to squeeze out any information. These are 35 to 45 minute calls. Every day, save for weekends. The time adds up.
- COMPLETELY missed their “5-7 business days” mark, forcing me to go without a computer for much too long.
- Seemed to be incompetent when it comes to getting one of the simplest parts and likely most common points of failure of a popular laptop.
What can I do to get my laptop back? Drive across the United States and go to the repair center myself?
Their site says this laptop is “The choice of winners everywhere.” I sure as hell don’t feel like a winner.